Every time I write in my blog, it seems to always start out with, "I know I haven't written on here in a while, but..." Well, I guess that's how it's going to start this time, too. I've been extra busy lately, because I decided to take a teachers training course at a language institute called Angloamericano. It was a six-week, superintensive course that just finished this Friday. Six hours every morning, Monday through Friday. Thankfully, my boss at the gym allowed me to work in the afternoons, although I had to work every Saturday and Sunday as well. It was long, tiring, and most times it was pretty boring, to be honest. But, I met a new friend named Paola Diaz, which I think probably made taking the course worth it. I love when something in life comes along and you think you won't make it through, but you end up seeing that it was just a short time and what you gained from it will last forever. Another flower in my garden, as my mother would say.
We only have the final presentation to go. Luckily, we have two weeks to plan for that and are going to have three revisions with the class instructor. Now, I will have more opportunities to teach English in the city. We'll see what God has in store.
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