So it´s been a while since I´ve written anything, I know. I´ve just been feeling a little lost in the world...this world, I mean. Lately, I´ve been wondering whether or not I can ever fit in here, if I´ll ever find my place or honestly start a real life. Teaching English at YES didn´t turn out to be what I thought it would. There was nothing wrong with the place, people, or teaching English, but something just wasn´t right. I wasn´t getting paid enough and I was working really weird hours. I am thankful, however, that they helped me get my FM3 visa to be able to work in the country. Obviously, God has His reasons for everything. Anyway, I started looking for another job, but most English schools or language institutes won´t hire me because technically I´m not certified to teach. I had no idea where to start looking for a job because I knew that all I had to offer this place was the fact that I can speak two languages. And here, that´s pretty much like saying, "big whoop." Then, an idea came to mind. Find a job that will let me work part time in the afternoon and take a super intensive course in the summer in the mornings to become certified. I figured the best I can find as far as part time jobs go right now is in a restaurant or as a receptionist. I mentioned my situation to my friend, Carlos, at my gym called Exersite. He works in sales there and was actually the one to sign me up. He told me to bring in my resume and he would try to help me find a job there. He worked in New York for two years and said that the American people were really nice to him and always gave him a hand while he was living and working there. He said he´s always been grateful to my country and that giving back to me would make him feel as if he were giving back to all those people that helped him once. We talked to the manager and he said there would be no problem with me working reception full time up until my course starts, then I can work part time in the afternoons. Although I didn´t really want to work in reception, I knew this would be a great option because the gym is close to my house, I would have my monthly fee waived, and, probably one of the best parts...I would get to work in jogging pants and a polo. I thought about it, and I decided I needed to take a step of faith and tell the manager that I would rather work in sales (which gets good base pay plus commissions). I waited to talk to him for almost a full week because he had a busy schedule. When I finally got to talk to him, it was the last day of April. We sat down, and he said, "I don´t think we need you in reception." I was about to open my mouth to convince him to give me a job in sales, but before I did, he said, "But we could use you in sales." I was so excited and thankful that even though me mentioning the whole sales thing was a baby step of faith, God still recognized it and showed me that He was behind this the whole time.
I´ve heard the saying, "God helps those that help themselves." I´ve also heard mostly negative criticism of that saying. Although I don´t agree with it 100%, it does have a certain truth to it. I spent so much time being sad and wondering why God wouldn´t give me a job, why He wouldn´t help poor little me start my life here. After a while, though, I heard His voice telling me, "Why would I give strength and guidance to someone that is going to sit in her house crying and not use the resources I give them?" Oh yeah, God´s not going to carry me around in a handbasket. Although it´s Him that gives us life, happiness, and all the things I need to thrive in this world, we must put our own effort into this life and make our own decisions. God isn´t an old man up in the sky controlling a bunch of robots on the Earth. He gave us free will because of His great love for us. He´s not going to force us to do anything. Even though I learned this lesson the hard way, it was much-needed.
Getting the job was perfect timing because I got to start the first week of May. I love love love it here so far. I love enjoying my work day and not dreading getting up to go there every morning. I´m making more friends and finding more confidence in myself. Makes me not want to go back to teaching. I should probably take the course though, just in case. We´ll see. Yet another reason to believe God is taking care of me and making my life into a great adventure.
¡Que tal!
ResponderEliminarPrimeramente, ¡Muchas felicidades por su nuevo trabajo!, ojala que tenga mucho éxito en esta nueva etapa.
Segundo, y razón principal de estas letras, quiero agradecerle lo mucho que me ayudo a comprender el idioma ingles, fue muy satisfactorio lo que logro conmigo en poco tiempo y solo me queda seguir estudiando por mi cuenta para que así algun día pueda llegar a dominarlo completamente.
Tercero: Es muy triste ver en lo que se convirtio la clase desde que usted no esta, deja mucho que desear, eso sin mencionar los tantos errores que hay en la enseñanza (imaginese a tal grado que nosotros somos capaces de corregir al catedratico).
Esto no lo tome como reproche, en verdad nada de eso, solo queria hacer mencion de lo anterior para que supiera que una sola persona puede hacer una gran diferencia, y asi como en YES, le deseo todo el éxito del mundo para que "marque" muevamente su estilo en su nuevo trabajo.
Un saludo y mis mas sinceras gracias...
Alejandro Cuaya Coyotl