Once again, it's been a while since I've written, but this last adventure is too good not to write about. I had been looking online at some friends' pictures of yummy-looking cupcakes, which made me want to try my hand at some. I showed my work friends the pictures and they were pretty excited that I was going to attempt making them because cupcakes aren't very popular in Mexico. I'm not too great in the kitchen, so I thought this might be my chance to prove myself.
I looked up a recipe for vanilla cupcakes and another recipe for icing online and went to buy all the ingredients. Sadly, because of the unpopularity of cupcakes, I couldn't find any of the paper liners. I thought, oh well, I'll try to make the cupcakes without them...bad idea. Wednesday night I went straight home so I could spend the whole night focusing on my cupcakes. I made the batter from scratch, praying that God would have mercy on me and that they would taste half-decent. I buttered up the pan really well, but filled the holes too full of batter. While the cupcakes were baking, I was making the icing and listening to my iPod. I sensed something was wrong, and when I looked in the oven, the batter was running over the pan and onto the bottom of the oven. I had to turn it off, let it cool down and clean everything. I still had lots of batter left over so I figured I would try it again. But when I went to turn the oven back on, I had run out of gas (in Mexico, we have gas stoves and gas water heaters). This meant no more cooking for me, and no cleaning up because I couldn't heat the water to wash the dishes.
I called José Luis and he felt so bad for me that he came to my house and took me to his to let me borrow his mom's electric oven. By the time I got home, it was too late to make the rest of the cupcakes, so I just went to bed and decided to get up in the morning to do them. Luckily, I had changed schedules with a coworker, so I didn't have to go in until 11:00.
I woke up and immediately called the gas people so I could get that out of the way. I turned on the electric oven, buttered up my pan again, and filled the cups only half full this time. When they were done, I took them out to let them cool, but I had a bad feeling they wouldn't come out in the form of a cupcake. My prediction was right, and they fell all apart. I was so upset, I was ready to cry, but I thought to myself, I am not going to throw these in the trash. What would my mama do? So, I took some little plastic cups and put the crumbly cupcake pieces in them and poured some icing on top with a little marshmallow flower for Easter. The cups were too big to fit in my tupperware bowl, so I decided to cut the tops off the cups. I got out my super cheap scissors and started cutting, but because the top edge of the cups are thicker, I ended up breaking my crappy scissors. So I got out the super glue and put them back together. I resumed cutting, and of course, they broke again. After putting them back together a second time, I figured I better find a better idea to cut the cups. I got out a knife to cut the thick part so I could get down to the part to cut with the scissors. Well, I got in such a hurry that I ended up cutting my finger. I was thinking, seriously? Could anything else go wrong right now? Thankfully, nothing did, and I left the house in a hurry to get to work only one minute late.
My CUPcakes tasted pretty good and everyone didn't seem to mind that they were all crumbled up in a plastic cup. Soon I will be searching this whole city for some cupcake liners so my next try won't be such a disaster.